New structure

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Back to the Bicycology/Website disscussion

WHO WE ARE: description of us, contact details, a few choice images
BICYCOLOGY: Our elements
Local groups:
Dr Bike: description and images
The Renewable Energy Trailer:
Bikes: all things bikes:
'm' check:
bike maitinence: tips
Guide to bicycology:
Bicycology Now or the Apocalypse Soon:
Alternative technology and Renewable energy:
Food: mmmm
Bike Art
G8 2005:
Summer tour 2006:
Big green gathering:
Forest gate:
Summer tour:
Bike shops:
Climate change awarness: Climate camp, Rising tide
  • Imogen-perhaps on the future events page we could have a suggestion for anyone to request that bicycology to come to a town near you.
  • Chris - I'm not keen on the Bicycology part at the moment. Could we organize it with other themes, perhaps 'Practical' (for the bikes and Dr Bike bit), 'Political', 'Ecological', 'Cyclelogical' (including the guide?), and 'Local' and 'National'?
  • Chris - We shouldn't have too much on the bikes bit as there are loads of good sites with maintenance and techie info on bikes. Perhaps just a basic guide and Bicycology's top-tips, plus loads of links to other places?
  • Chris - Can we also NOT have a separate page for links? I personally prefer these to be incorporated into the structure and content of the site, so it links more seamlessly with the rest of the web, rather than having a clear page to separate it off from the 'outside'...
  • Patrick - there seem to be too many Bicycology elements at the moment, and they don't connect up. Can we distill it down into just a few themes? Also I think future events needs to be up there as one of the first things people see.
  • liz - I like the idea of imbedding the links in the topical pages, rather than having a seperate links page.
  • liz/Aurora - carbon reduction pledges we've collected- we don't have anywhere at the moment for people to browse what others have said they'll do . Ideally I think this should have a photo gallery attatched, to complete the public support/ glory aspect for people that make a commitment- though we don't have any photos for last years ride.
  • liz - In terms of graphics I think it's better to have a consistent asthetic- so we should use Im's stuff. But for things like the who we are page for example, I have some pencil sketches of our feet that might make a nice border for the text, so I'll send that as well.